Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway RRCCR

Apprentices (Graduate) Recruitment in Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR

RRCCR Recruitment For
Apprentices (Graduate)
No of RRCCR Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For RRCCR Recruitment
RRCCR Address
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400010
The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training or Provisional Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training / State Council for Vocational Training.
The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 01-01-2020.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
ONLINE applications are invited from interested candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for imparting training under the Apprentices Act 1961 in the designated trades at Workshops/Units in the jurisdiction of Central Railway against 2562 slots. Applications complete in all respects should be submitted only ONLINE till 17:00 hrs. of the closing date. 1. Candidates should note and take cognizance of the fact that this is a Centralized Notification for engagement of Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 for Central Railway Units and Railway Recruitment Cell, Central Railway (RRC/CR) has been nominated as nodal agency for obtaining ONLINE applications from candidates and preparation of their merit list. Candidates can submit their applications ONLINE only on RRC’s website www.rrccr.com 2. After preparation of merit list, the same will be advised to respective Divisions/Units on Central Railway. Document verification will be held in opted Divisions/Units, as per the Cluster as mentioned in the Candidate’s applications. 3. Candidates must note that no centralized merit list will be formed. 4. Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting www.rrccr.com Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications will be available on the website 5. Candidates are required to log on to the RRC/CR website www.rrccr.com provided for filling ONLINE applications and fill up the personal details/BIODATA etc carefully. NOTE-I: Candidates should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration, candidates have to fill 12 digit Aadhaar Card number. The candidates not having Aadhaar number and have enrolled for Aadhaar but have not received Aadhaar Card can enter 28 digit Aadhaar Enrolment ID printed on the Aadhaar Enrolment slip. This provision is applicable to the candidates of all states and Union Territories except the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Assam. Applicants from these states can enter in the online application form, their voter ID number, valid passport number, driving license number or any other valid Government identity card at the time of online application. Candidates have to produce original Aadhaar card or document mentioned above, at the time of document verification. NOTE-II: Candidates should ensure their name, father’s name, date of birth should exactly match as recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document Verification will lead to cancellation of candidature and also debarment. NOTE-III: Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the ONLINE application and keep them active during the entire engagement process as all important messages will be sent by email/SMS which will be treated as deemed to have been read by the candidates. 6. Candidates have to choose only one cluster and within that cluster he can give units in order of preference. 7. Candidates trying to submit more than one application with different particulars like Name/Father’s name/Community/Photo (face)/ educational and/or technical qualification etc. or with different Email ID/Mobile Number are informed that all such applications will be summarily rejected. 8. Candidates have to keep printouts of their Online application. If found eligible, he/she will be called for Document Verification and the print out of Online application is required to be produced at the time of Document Verification. 9. The ONLINE application, complete in all respect, can be submitted through ONLINE process to RRC up to 22/01/2020 till 17.00 hrs. No physical copy of the application is required to be sent to RRC. Even if it is received, no cognizance will be given to it. Notification No. RRC/CR/AA/2019
The decision of the Railway administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications and mode of selection shall be final. 2 Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after successful completion of training. In terms of para-10 of Schedule V of the Apprenticeship Rules,1991, notified on 15.07.92 by the Ministry of Labour, it shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to the Apprentice on completion of period of his/her apprenticeship training in his / her establishment. It shall not be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after completion of Training. 3 No correspondences for engagement will be entertained. 4 Canvassing In Any Form Will Disqualify The Candidature And No Correspondence Will Be Entertained In The Matter. 5 Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria. If erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily dismissed without notice at any stage. 6 Candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled if he/she fails to produce the required original testimonials for verification or any other discrepancy noticed. 7 Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria. If erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily dismissed without notice at any stage. 8 The Railway administration do not undertake any responsibility for sending reply to the candidates not selected or not called for. No correspondence in respect of the application submitted shall be entertained or replied by this office to any individual or organization. 9 The Railway administration will not be responsible for any printing error. 10 No daily allowance / conveyance allowance or travelling allowance will be paid to the candidates called for document verification.
Official Website Document

Apprentices (2562 Vacancies) – Last Date 22 January 2020 (Mumbai, Maharashtra), Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway (RRCCR) recruits Apprentices posts. Candidates with Graduate can apply.

Junior Clerk (12th Pass) Recruitment in

Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment For
Junior Clerk (12th Pass)
No of Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Address
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway , Mumbai, Maharashtra 400010
12th (10+2 stage) or its equivalent examination, on the date of notification with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate with Typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English / 25 w.p.m. in Hindi. 50% marks is not to be insisted upon in case of SC/ST/Exservicemen.
The maximum age limit for appearing in the GDCE will be reckoned as on the date of notification as shown below i.e. as on 01/01/2020.UR - 42 years, OBC - 45 Years & SC/ST - 47 Years
How to
Apply For
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR
vacancy :
Candidates are required to apply Onliine by visiting www.rrccr.com Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications will be available on the website.Candidates can apply separately for both the notified posts on fulfilling eligibility criteria. Two separate applications for same post will not be considered.Candidates are required to log on to the RRC/CR’s website www.rrccr.com for filling Online application for Sr.Clerk/Jr.Clerk under G.D.C.E. and fill up the personal details/Bio-data etc carefully. 2. Candidates should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration, candidates have to fill 12 digits Aadhaar Card number. Candidates have to produce original Aadhaar card at the time of document verification. During submission of Online application, a Registration ID will be issued to each candidate. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration ID for further stages of selection process/correspondence with respective Hqrs, Divisions/Units concerned. 3. Candidate need not send any application printouts or certificates or copies to RRC by post. The candidature of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the Online application, which is subject to verification at a later stage. Any deviation, whatsoever, found in the particulars filled in the online application with the documents produced will result in disqualification of candidate at any stage of detection.Candidates are advised to take printout of their application which is required to be produced at a later stage and during the document verification. (Notification No. RRC/CR/GDCE-02/2019 dated 18/12/2019)
A colour passport size photograph of not older than three months, with clear front view of the candidate, without cap and sunglasses, should be uploaded. RRC may, at any stage, reject the applications for uploading old, unclear photo or for any significant variations between uploaded photograph and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. They are also advised to keep extra copies of the same photograph for Document Verification. Application without photograph is liable to be rejected.
Official Website Document

Senior Clerk (Graduate) Recruitment in

Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment For
Senior Clerk (Graduate)
No of Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Recruitment
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR Address
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway , Mumbai, Maharashtra 400010
Degree from recognized University or its equivalent.
The maximum age limit for appearing in the GDCE will be reckoned as on the date of notification as shown below i.e. as on 01/01/2020.UR - 42 years, OBC - 45 Years & SC/ST - 47 Years
How to
Apply For
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR
vacancy :
Candidates are required to apply Onliine by visiting www.rrccr.com Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications will be available on the website.Candidates can apply separately for both the notified posts on fulfilling eligibility criteria. Two separate applications for same post will not be considered.Candidates are required to log on to the RRC/CR’s website www.rrccr.com for filling Online application for Sr.Clerk/Jr.Clerk under G.D.C.E. and fill up the personal details/Bio-data etc carefully. 2. Candidates should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration, candidates have to fill 12 digits Aadhaar Card number. Candidates have to produce original Aadhaar card at the time of document verification. During submission of Online application, a Registration ID will be issued to each candidate. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration ID for further stages of selection process/correspondence with respective Hqrs, Divisions/Units concerned. 3. Candidate need not send any application printouts or certificates or copies to RRC by post. The candidature of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the Online application, which is subject to verification at a later stage. Any deviation, whatsoever, found in the particulars filled in the online application with the documents produced will result in disqualification of candidate at any stage of detection.Candidates are advised to take printout of their application which is required to be produced at a later stage and during the document verification. (Notification No. RRC/CR/GDCE-02/2019 dated 18/12/2019)
A colour passport size photograph of not older than three months, with clear front view of the candidate, without cap and sunglasses, should be uploaded. RRC may, at any stage, reject the applications for uploading old, unclear photo or for any significant variations between uploaded photograph and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. They are also advised to keep extra copies of the same photograph for Document Verification. Application without photograph is liable to be rejected.
Official Website Document

Junior Clerk,Senior Clerk (251 Vacancies) – Last Date 19 January 2020 (Mumbai, Maharashtra), Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway (RRCCR) recruits Junior Clerk,Senior Clerk posts. Candidates with 12th Pass, Graduate, can apply.

Junior Translator (Post Graduate, Diploma) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR

RRCCR Recruitment For
Junior Translator (Post Graduate, Diploma) (CLOSED)
No of RRCCR Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For RRCCR Recruitment
RRCCR Address
Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway - RRCCR, Mumbai , Maharashtra 400010
Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level; OR Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level; OR Master's degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subjects of either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level. AND b) Recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government offices, including Government of India Undertaking
42-47 Years
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
In terms of the instructions issued vide Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-92/ PM2/16 dated 20/08/1993 (RBE No. 129/1993) and other instructions issued from time to time, applications are hereby invited ONLINE for filling up 12 posts of Junior Translator (Hindi) in Level-6 in 7th CPC through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) from all the eligible regular serving Railway employees of Central Railway as on the date of issue of notification. The serving regular employees of Divisions/Units/Workshops/Headquarters of Central Railway, except RPF/RPSF Personnel, irrespective of the cadre in which they are working, may register their applications for GDCE ONLINE within the stipulated date and time as per the instructions available on RRC/CR’s website www.rrccr.comClosing Date and Time for Online Applications 08/11/2019 at 06.00 p.m.
Before applying, the Candidates should carefully read the instructions and ensure that he/she fulfils all the prescribed eligibility criteria at the time of ONLINE REGISTRATION of application as per the Notification. 2 The vacancies are to be filled up in various Divisions of Central Railway. The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere on Central Railway. Decision of Railway Administration in this regard shall be final. 3 RRC reserves the right to alter the mode of examination or re-conduct the CBT/Translation Test or to cancel part or whole of any process of the selection at any stage without assigning any reason. 4 RRC reserves the right to conduct the CBT/Translation Test in batches on various dates and locations as decided by the RRC. 5 Candidates’ biometric data will be captured and / or video / still photography will be done before admitting to CBT hall or even during CBT. Candidates must cooperate with CBT conducting officials. 6 Sparing of the candidate for taking the examination and issuing necessary duty passes, if required, as per rule, will be the responsibility of the concerned office/unit where the candidate is presently working. No travel authority shall be provided by RRC.
Official Website Document

Junior Translator (12 Vacancies) – Last Date 08 November (Mumbai, Maharashtra), Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway (RRCCR) recruits Junior Translator posts. Candidates with Post Graduate, Diploma can apply.


About Railway Recruitment Cell Central Railway (RRCCR)- रेलवे रिक्रूटमेंट सेल सेंट्रल रेलवे:

Central Railway is one of the 16 zones of Indian Railways. Its headquarters is in Mumbai at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. It has the distinction of operating first passenger railway line in India, which opened from Mumbai to Thane on 16 April 1853.
Website Address:https://www.rrccr.com
Contact Us:Railway Recruitment Cell, 1st Floor,
Chief Project Manager (Conv.)’s Office Bldg.,
Goods Shed, P.D’Mello Road,
Wadi Bunder, Mumbai – 400010.
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2025-03-05 13:22