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Assistant Engineer (B.E/B. Tech) Recruitment in REC Transmission Projects Company Limited - RECTPCL
RECTPCL Recruitment For
Assistant Engineer (B.E/B. Tech)
No of RECTPCL Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date For RECTPCL Recruitment
REC Transmission Projects Company Limited , New Delhi, Delhi 110003
B.E/B. Tech (Electrical Engineering) Preferably with 60% Marks or 1 st Division
Pay Scale
Rs. 54,000/-Per Month
Age Limit
35 Years
Desirable Qualifications
Should have knowledge of implementation of Feeder Segregation, Conversion of bare LT line with Aerial Bunched cables etc.
Job Responsibilities
Experience in Execution & Implementation of Power Distribution Projects up to 66kV voltage level, U/G cabling preferably under Govt. schemes like IPDS, DDUGJY, R-APDRP etc. Should have good understanding of SLDs, GTP/Electrical Drawings, IS/IEC codes/ Pre-dispatch inspection of Electrical equipment, Quality Assurance.
How to Apply For RECTPCL vacancy :
Eligible applicants would require to register and apply online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e. (Career Page) from 13.05.2020 at 11.00 AM to 27.05.2020 up to 06.00 PM. Candidates are also required to upload selfattested copies of proof of age, qualification, post qualification experience and caste certificate along with the application. Before applying read the instructions carefully mentioned in detailed advertisement and fill the online application form with providing correct information. STEP 1: On-line Registration: Interested eligible applicants should only apply one post against the advertisement through RECPDCL On-line Recruitment portal. To apply visit at Careers page. a) Before candidate online registration, the applicants should have valid E-mail ID & Mobile No. b) During registration, Candidate has to provide valid information regarding Name, Date of Birth, E-Mail ID & Mobile No. Once registered successful, Date of Birth, E-Mail ID & Mobile No. are not allowed to edit in main application form. c) After registration, candidate will receive Activation code to your registered email to verify and activate your email login to access Online Recruitment Portal. STEP 2: On-line Application: a) Before applying post, the applicants should keep the following documents ready: - i. Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. ii. Scanned Signature of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. iii. Scanned copy of PAN Card of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. iv. Scanned Copies of Relevant Certificates / Documents in .pdf format of each file should be less than 500KB. b) After successful login, candidate should select only one post against the advertisement. c) Fill the application in the prescribed format
General Instructions
The posts are purely temporary in nature and offered on fixed tenure basis initially for a maximum period of three years further extendable by one year and six months subject to satisfactory performance, i.e. maximum for a period of four years and six months. These positions are not against any permanent vacancy. The placement will not entitle the candidate for any regular / permanent employment in RECPDCL in future. b) The cutoff date for age and experience shall be 30.04.2020. c) Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. d) Teaching experience, Internship, Induction and any other training period will not be counted as experience. e) RECPDCL also reserves the right to cancel/amend the advertisement and/or the selection process there under. The number of positions filled may increase or decrease depending on the requirement of RECPDCL. f) Candidates who do not possess post qualification experience in areas mentioned under “Work Experience” need not apply. g) Candidates should be able to furnish their relevant Degree and Post Qualification Work-Experience certificates at the time of Interview. h) Category such as OBC, SC, ST should be carefully filled-up in the online application format as this will not be allowed for change at a later date. OBC candidates who do not belong to “Non-Creamy Layer” should submit their application under unreserved category only. i) Applications should be submitted online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e. (Career Page) in the prescribed format. j) Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID & Mobile No. which is to be entered in the online application Form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active for at least one year as any important intimation to the candidates shall be provided by RECPDCL through e-mail. They are further requested to check their e-mails regularly for any communication from RECPDCL in this regard. k) Candidates invited for personal interview will be reimbursed to and fro actual fare limited to 2 rd AC Train Fare from the starting station or mailing address whichever is nearer to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of proof of journey
Assistant Finance Executive (MBA) Recruitment in REC Transmission Projects Company Limited - RECTPCL
RECTPCL Recruitment For
Assistant Finance Executive (MBA)
No of RECTPCL Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date For RECTPCL Recruitment
REC Transmission Projects Company Limited , New Delhi, Delhi 110003
Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant/ MBA (Finance)
Pay Scale
Rs. 54,000/-Per Month
Age Limit
35 Years
Desirable Qualifications
Should have working experience in the accounting and handling of assignment of a project independently at least for 2 years in any of the power distribution company.
Job Responsibilities
Essential Experience: Experience in Finance & Accounting of ledger Books, Establishment Accounts, Preparation of Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts, Income & Expenditure Statements, State & Central Taxation including Income Tax.
How to Apply For RECTPCL vacancy :
Eligible applicants would require to register and apply online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e. (Career Page) from 13.05.2020 at 11.00 AM to 27.05.2020 up to 06.00 PM. Candidates are also required to upload selfattested copies of proof of age, qualification, post qualification experience and caste certificate along with the application. Before applying read the instructions carefully mentioned in detailed advertisement and fill the online application form with providing correct information. STEP 1: On-line Registration: Interested eligible applicants should only apply one post against the advertisement through RECPDCL On-line Recruitment portal. To apply visit at Careers page. a) Before candidate online registration, the applicants should have valid E-mail ID & Mobile No. b) During registration, Candidate has to provide valid information regarding Name, Date of Birth, E-Mail ID & Mobile No. Once registered successful, Date of Birth, E-Mail ID & Mobile No. are not allowed to edit in main application form. c) After registration, candidate will receive Activation code to your registered email to verify and activate your email login to access Online Recruitment Portal. STEP 2: On-line Application: a) Before applying post, the applicants should keep the following documents ready: - i. Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. ii. Scanned Signature of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. iii. Scanned copy of PAN Card of the applicant in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB. iv. Scanned Copies of Relevant Certificates / Documents in .pdf format of each file should be less than 500KB. b) After successful login, candidate should select only one post against the advertisement. c) Fill the application in the prescribed format
General Instructions
The posts are purely temporary in nature and offered on fixed tenure basis initially for a maximum period of three years further extendable by one year and six months subject to satisfactory performance, i.e. maximum for a period of four years and six months. These positions are not against any permanent vacancy. The placement will not entitle the candidate for any regular / permanent employment in RECPDCL in future. b) The cutoff date for age and experience shall be 30.04.2020. c) Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. d) Teaching experience, Internship, Induction and any other training period will not be counted as experience. e) RECPDCL also reserves the right to cancel/amend the advertisement and/or the selection process there under. The number of positions filled may increase or decrease depending on the requirement of RECPDCL. f) Candidates who do not possess post qualification experience in areas mentioned under “Work Experience” need not apply. g) Candidates should be able to furnish their relevant Degree and Post Qualification Work-Experience certificates at the time of Interview. h) Category such as OBC, SC, ST should be carefully filled-up in the online application format as this will not be allowed for change at a later date. OBC candidates who do not belong to “Non-Creamy Layer” should submit their application under unreserved category only. i) Applications should be submitted online through RECPDCL’s website, i.e. (Career Page) in the prescribed format. j) Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID & Mobile No. which is to be entered in the online application Form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active for at least one year as any important intimation to the candidates shall be provided by RECPDCL through e-mail. They are further requested to check their e-mails regularly for any communication from RECPDCL in this regard. k) Candidates invited for personal interview will be reimbursed to and fro actual fare limited to 2 rd AC Train Fare from the starting station or mailing address whichever is nearer to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of proof of journey
B. Tech/ B.E. (Electrical/ Electronics & Communication) full time regular programme from a recognized Institute/ University approved by AICTE with 1st Division or equivalent CGPA.
Pay Scale
CTC (INR Per month) 90,000
Age Limit
Max Limit: 38 years
Experience Requirements
(A) Minimum 10 years of Post Qualification Executive Experience in Erection /Commissioning & Testing of Transmission lines (EHV)& Substations Or (B) Executive Experience in Quality control , Inspection and Testing at Manufacturing works of major equipment such as transformers, Tower material, CRP, Circuit breakers, CT, PT, Isolators, Cable, Conductor, Earthing Material etc. / OR ( c) Having experience in power Distribution sector including commercial aspects of distribution sector such as billing collection may or to reduce AT & C losses and detailed and power distribution for further reduction of AT & C losses
How to Apply For RECTPCL vacancy :
Candidates are requested to fill in the Application Form (attached with this advertisement) complete in all respects and Email the application along with scanned copy of the documents at based on which the preliminary screening of the application will be done and the candidate will be shortlisted for appearing the personal Interview. No need to send any application in advance. Last Date of Submission 29.01.2019
General Instructions
1. The appointment is purely on Fixed Tenure Basis and it is not against any permanent vacancy. Thus, will not entitle any candidate to claim for regular/ permanent employment in RECTPCL 2. Candidates are required to go through the full text of advertisement and read all the given conditions carefully while applying for the post. 3. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. SELECTION PROCESS GENERAL INFORMATION 4. Relaxations/concessions for SC/ST/ OBC -NCL/ PwD/ Ex-servicemen/ J&K domicile category will be as per Govt. of India guidelines. The candidates who belong to “Creamy layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC-NCL candidates and such candidates will have to indicate their category as General. 5 All qualifications should be full time & from Universities/Institutions recognized and approved in India by UGC/AICTE/Appropriate Statutory Authority (ies). 6.The candidates should be of sound health and will have to provide a fitness certificate from Govt Registered medical practitioner at the time of joining I the prescribed format. 7. The selected candidate/s should join within the prescribed time limit. 8. The cut-off date for ascertaining age and experience will be 31st Dec 2018 . 9. Teaching experience and training period (Induction) will not be counted as experience 10. In order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview and/or screening test, if so required, the management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standard/criteria. 11. While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. If at any stage of recruitment, it is detected that a candidate has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s) to become eligible, his/her candidature will stand automatically cancelled. If any of the above short coming(s) is/are detected even after his/ her appointment, his or her service is liable to be terminated without any notice. 12. Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interview/selection process. 13. In case any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, English version will prevail. 14. RECTPCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict /modify /alter the recruitment process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. 15. Candidate should note that the onus of proving the correctness and authenticity of the details provided in the application is on him/ her. 16. All information regarding recruitment would be available in the website of RECTPCL Applicants are advised to check the website periodically for important updates. 17. Furnishing of wrong/false/incomplete/inconsistent/ ambiguous information in the application will lead to disqualification of the candidate and his/her candidature will be rejected. 18. RECTPCL reserves the right to relax experience/qualification & other qualifying criteria in deserving cases. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant will disqualify his/her candidature. 19. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not shortlisted/ selected. 20. Any corrigendum/clarifications on this advertisement, if required, shall be uploaded on RECTPCL website only. 21. Fraction of percentage in educational qualification will be ignored and will not be rounded off to the next highest integer i.e. 59.9% will be treated as less than 60%. 22. Applicants called for test/interview shall have the option to write/speak/ answer in Hindi/ English. 23. If any certificate etc. is issued in a language other than Hindi/English, candidates are required to submit a certified translation of the same in either Hindi or English language along with the hard copy of the application and also at the time of Interview, if called for. 24. All communications will be sent to the address filled by the candidate as address for communication in the Application form. 25. Any request for change in Interview Centre will not be entertained. 26. All disputes / cases related to this recruitment process are subject to jurisdiction of courts of Delhi only. For any queries please send e-mail to or contact at 011-4796 4706 on all working days from 9.30 AM to 06.00 PM (Monday to Friday).
Executive Engineer Vacancies – Last Date 29 January 2019 (Delhi), REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL) recruits Executive Engineer posts. B. Tech/ B.E. experienced candidates can apply.
About REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL) – आई ई सी ट्रांसमिशन प्रोजेक्ट्स कंपनी लिमिटेड:
REC Transmission Projects Company Limited (RECTPCL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking, and was incorporated on 8 January 2007 as public limited company. RECTPCLs registered office is situated at Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, India. RECTPCL is engaged inter -alia in the business to promote, organize or carry on the consultancy services and/ or project implementation in any field relating to transmission and distribution of electricity in India or abroad. Website Address: Contact Us:New Corporate Address
Upper Ground Floor, Antriksh Bhawan,
22, K G Marg, New Delhi – 110 001 Tel.: 011-47964796 (4 Lines) Fax.: 011-47964747
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