Electrical Supervisor Recruitment in NLC India Limited NLCIL Recruitment ForElectrical Supervisor No of NLCIL Recruitment 4 Minimum Salary ₹38,000 per month (Consolidated) Last Date For NLCIL Recruitment 30/12/2024 NLCIL Address Block-1, Neyveli, Neyveli, Tamil Nadu 607 801 Qualification Full-time Diploma/Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering from AICTE or statutory authority-recognized institutions.Pay ScaleProvident Fund/Gratuity as per rules, Medical facilities under NLCIL Medical Rules, Leave as per company policy, TA/DA reimbursement for tours, Accommodation (subject to availability) or HRAAge Limit 30 years Desirable Qualifications Valid Electrical Supervisory Certificate (Mining) of Competency.Experience Requirements Minimum 1-year post-qualification experience with a competency certificate in repair/maintenance of HT/LT systems, machinery, and related infrastructure.Desired Skills Proficiency in repair, maintenance, and handling electrical systems and equipment.Eligibility CriteriaUpper age limit: 30 years as of 01/12/2024. Proficiency in Hindi required with proof through educational certificates.Job Responsibilities Maintenance of electrical systems, equipment, and gadgets in mines and plants, including transformers, circuit breakers, cables, and overhead/underground systems.How toApply For NLCIL vacancy : Apply online through NLCIL’s website (www.nlcindia.in). Upload necessary documents in the prescribed format. General Instructions Applicants must be Indian nationals, submit valid proof for qualifications and category during application and verification. NLC reserves the right to cancel or modify vacancies.Job Type Full-TimeJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/12/30 ", "title":" Electrical Supervisor ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/11 1:22:58 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" ₹38,000 per month (Consolidated) ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Maintenance of electrical systems, equipment, and gadgets in mines and plants, including transformers, circuit breakers, cables, and overhead/underground systems. ","employmentType":" Full-Time ", "experienceRequirements":" Minimum 1-year post-qualification experience with a competency certificate in repair/maintenance of HT/LT systems, machinery, and related infrastructure. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Electrical Maintenance and Supervision ",//industry "qualifications":" Valid Electrical Supervisory Certificate (Mining) of Competency. ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" Applicants must be Indian nationals, submit valid proof for qualifications and category during application and verification. NLC reserves the right to cancel or modify vacancies. ",//responsibilities "skills":" Proficiency in repair, maintenance, and handling electrical systems and equipment. ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" NLC India Limited ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Neyveli-Lignite-Corporation-Limited-NLC-logo.png " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Tamil Nadu ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Block-1, Neyveli ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Neyveli ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 607 801 "//postalCode } } } } Electrician Recruitment in NLC India Limited NLCIL Recruitment ForElectrician No of NLCIL Recruitment 3 Minimum Salary ₹30,000 per month (Consolidated) Last Date For NLCIL Recruitment 30/12/2024 NLCIL Address Block-1, Neyveli, Neyveli, Tamil Nadu 607 801 Qualification X Standard with a full-time ITI in Electrician trade from a government-recognized institute.Pay ScaleProvident Fund/Gratuity as per rules, Medical facilities under NLCIL Medical Rules, Leave as per company policy, TA/DA reimbursement for tours, Accommodation (subject to availability) or HRAAge Limit 30 years Desirable Qualifications Wiremen Permit issued under Central Electricity Authority measures Experience Requirements No prior experience required.Desired Skills Basic electrical maintenance and handling electrical tools and systems.Eligibility CriteriaUpper age limit: 30 years as of 01/12/2024. Proficiency in Hindi required with proof through educational certificates.Job Responsibilities Assisting in electrical maintenance and repair works in plants and buildings.How toApply For NLCIL vacancy : Apply online through NLCIL’s website (www.nlcindia.in). Upload necessary documents in the prescribed format. General Instructions Applicants must be Indian nationals, submit valid proof for qualifications and category during application and verification. NLC reserves the right to cancel or modify vacancies.Job Type Full-TimeJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/12/30 ", "title":" Electrician ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/11 1:22:58 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" ₹30,000 per month (Consolidated) ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Assisting in electrical maintenance and repair works in plants and buildings. ","employmentType":" Full-Time ", "experienceRequirements":" No prior experience required. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Electrical Maintenance ",//industry "qualifications":" Wiremen Permit issued under Central Electricity Authority measures ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" Applicants must be Indian nationals, submit valid proof for qualifications and category during application and verification. NLC reserves the right to cancel or modify vacancies. ",//responsibilities "skills":" Basic electrical maintenance and handling electrical tools and systems. ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" NLC India Limited ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Neyveli-Lignite-Corporation-Limited-NLC-logo.png " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Tamil Nadu ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Block-1, Neyveli ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Neyveli ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 607 801 "//postalCode } } } } Electrical Supervisor, Electrician (Vacancies 07) Last Date – 30 December 2024 (Neyveli,Tamil Nadu), NLC India Limited (NLCIL) recruits Electrical Supervisor, Electrician posts. Candidates with Diploma/10th pass/ITI, experienced can apply. Industrial Trainee/SME & Technical (CLOSED) Recruitment in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited NLCIL Recruitment ForIndustrial Trainee/SME & Technical (CLOSED) No of NLCIL Recruitment 100 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For NLCIL Recruitment 19/04/2024 NLCIL Address Block-1, Neyveli , Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu 607 801 Qualification Not less than Full time Diploma in Engineering course of minimum 3 years duration (in case of Diploma lateral candidates with XII qualification minimum of two years duration) *Pay Scale18,000/- (1styear) 20,000/- (2nd year) 22,000/- (3rd year)Age Limit 37 years How toApply For NLCIL vacancy : 12.1 Candidates should apply only through online mode in NLC India Limited website www.nlcindia.in. 12.2 Before registering / applying online, the candidates should ensure that they have a valid & active mobile number and personal email ID and keep them active for the entire duration of selection process as NLCIL will send all training related communications only through SMS and e-mail till the selection process is completed. 12.3 Candidates have to upload required scanned copies of self-attested documents / certificates in prescribed format to establish their eligibility, failing which the application is liable for rejection. 12.4 Candidates applying for more than one training scheme should apply and submit separate Registration-cum-Application Form along with the requisite enclosures for each training scheme. 4 12.5 Candidates should submit only one application for one training scheme. In case of multiple applications / registrations, the last registered application only shall be considered for further process. 12.6 Candidates should ensure that they have uploaded the required documents before submitting applications, for their benefit, after uploading a document, “View Document” option will be provided in the on-line portal to check. 12.7 After uploading required documents / certificates, candidates should submit their application through ONLINE, candidates should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with self-attested copies of certificates / documents, at the time of Document / Certificate verification. 12.8 Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates will be solely based on documents / certificates uploaded by the candidates at the time of registration / submission of application through ONLINE. 12.9 No manual / paper applications will be entertained and candidates are advised not to send any hard copy to this office. 12.10 The Online application portal for registration, will be active from 10:00 hours on 20/03/2024 to 17:00 hours on 19/04/2024. General Instructions 11.1 Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 11.2 Minimum eligible age for applying for training scheme is 18 years as on Crucial Date. 11.3 Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions and operate the slots. 11.4 Offer of training will be subjected to Medical examination. 11.5 The period of training is terminable on either side with seven days’ notice without any liability for payment of dues in lieu of notice period and in the event of such termination of training, the trainee(s) will be liable to return or subject themselves for recovery of the value of any article, property or material entrusted to them during training period that has not been duly returned before such cessation. 11.6 NLC India reserves its right to terminate the training if, in the opinion of NLC India, the trainee is not subjecting themselves to proper and disciplined training. The decision of NLC India Limited shall be final and binding in this regard. 11.7 NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the Trainee slots notified at its discretion depending upon organizational requirements. 11.8 Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for engagement of training. 11.9 Candidates will be called for selection based on Self certified information along with copies of testimonials uploaded by them. They should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of document verification failing which such candidates will not be permitted to appear for further selection process. 11.10 NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ modify /reopen /alter the engagement process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 11.11 Depending upon vacancies that may arise in future these trained PAPs could be considered for Fixed Term Employment or Permanent Employment through recruitment notification. However, Completion of training does not guarantee the trainees any right to claim for permanent jobs or Fixed Term employment in NLCIL. 11.12 If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS Certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi/Tamil, the candidates should submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi or Tamil. 11.13 Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.00 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to help.recruitment@nlcindia.in. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions of NLCIL. Job Type OTHERJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/04/19 ", "title":" Industrial Trainee/SME & Technical (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/11 1:22:58 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Not less than Full time Diploma in Engineering course of minimum 3 years duration (in case of Diploma lateral candidates with XII qualification minimum of two years duration) * ","employmentType":" OTHER ", "experienceRequirements":" ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Education ",//industry "qualifications":" ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" 11.1 Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 11.2 Minimum eligible age for applying for training scheme is 18 years as on Crucial Date. 11.3 Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions and operate the slots. 11.4 Offer of training will be subjected to Medical examination. 11.5 The period of training is terminable on either side with seven days’ notice without any liability for payment of dues in lieu of notice period and in the event of such termination of training, the trainee(s) will be liable to return or subject themselves for recovery of the value of any article, property or material entrusted to them during training period that has not been duly returned before such cessation. 11.6 NLC India reserves its right to terminate the training if, in the opinion of NLC India, the trainee is not subjecting themselves to proper and disciplined training. The decision of NLC India Limited shall be final and binding in this regard. 11.7 NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the Trainee slots notified at its discretion depending upon organizational requirements. 11.8 Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for engagement of training. 11.9 Candidates will be called for selection based on Self certified information along with copies of testimonials uploaded by them. They should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of document verification failing which such candidates will not be permitted to appear for further selection process. 11.10 NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ modify /reopen /alter the engagement process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 11.11 Depending upon vacancies that may arise in future these trained PAPs could be considered for Fixed Term Employment or Permanent Employment through recruitment notification. However, Completion of training does not guarantee the trainees any right to claim for permanent jobs or Fixed Term employment in NLCIL. 11.12 If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS Certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi/Tamil, the candidates should submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi or Tamil. 11.13 Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.00 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to help.recruitment@nlcindia.in. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions of NLCIL. ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Neyveli-Lignite-Corporation-Limited-NLC-logo.png " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Tamil Nadu ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Block-1, Neyveli ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Cuddalore ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 607 801 "//postalCode } } } } Industrial Trainee (Mines & Mines Support Services) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited NLCIL Recruitment ForIndustrial Trainee (Mines & Mines Support Services) (CLOSED) No of NLCIL Recruitment 139 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For NLCIL Recruitment 19/04/2024 NLCIL Address Block-1, Neyveli , Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu 607 801 Qualification Passed X Standard and ITI (NTC) in any Engineering Trade. (or) X Standard passed and in possession of National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) in any Engineering Trade.Pay Scale14,000/- (1st year) 16,000/- (2nd year) 18,000/- (3rd year)Age Limit 37 years How toApply For NLCIL vacancy : 12.1 Candidates should apply only through online mode in NLC India Limited website www.nlcindia.in. 12.2 Before registering / applying online, the candidates should ensure that they have a valid & active mobile number and personal email ID and keep them active for the entire duration of selection process as NLCIL will send all training related communications only through SMS and e-mail till the selection process is completed. 12.3 Candidates have to upload required scanned copies of self-attested documents / certificates in prescribed format to establish their eligibility, failing which the application is liable for rejection. 12.4 Candidates applying for more than one training scheme should apply and submit separate Registration-cum-Application Form along with the requisite enclosures for each training scheme. 4 12.5 Candidates should submit only one application for one training scheme. In case of multiple applications / registrations, the last registered application only shall be considered for further process. 12.6 Candidates should ensure that they have uploaded the required documents before submitting applications, for their benefit, after uploading a document, “View Document” option will be provided in the on-line portal to check. 12.7 After uploading required documents / certificates, candidates should submit their application through ONLINE, candidates should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with self-attested copies of certificates / documents, at the time of Document / Certificate verification. 12.8 Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates will be solely based on documents / certificates uploaded by the candidates at the time of registration / submission of application through ONLINE. 12.9 No manual / paper applications will be entertained and candidates are advised not to send any hard copy to this office. 12.10 The Online application portal for registration, will be active from 10:00 hours on 20/03/2024 to 17:00 hours on 19/04/2024. General Instructions 11.1 Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 11.2 Minimum eligible age for applying for training scheme is 18 years as on Crucial Date. 11.3 Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions and operate the slots. 11.4 Offer of training will be subjected to Medical examination. 11.5 The period of training is terminable on either side with seven days’ notice without any liability for payment of dues in lieu of notice period and in the event of such termination of training, the trainee(s) will be liable to return or subject themselves for recovery of the value of any article, property or material entrusted to them during training period that has not been duly returned before such cessation. 11.6 NLC India reserves its right to terminate the training if, in the opinion of NLC India, the trainee is not subjecting themselves to proper and disciplined training. The decision of NLC India Limited shall be final and binding in this regard. 11.7 NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the Trainee slots notified at its discretion depending upon organizational requirements. 11.8 Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for engagement of training. 11.9 Candidates will be called for selection based on Self certified information along with copies of testimonials uploaded by them. They should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of document verification failing which such candidates will not be permitted to appear for further selection process. 11.10 NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ modify /reopen /alter the engagement process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 11.11 Depending upon vacancies that may arise in future these trained PAPs could be considered for Fixed Term Employment or Permanent Employment through recruitment notification. However, Completion of training does not guarantee the trainees any right to claim for permanent jobs or Fixed Term employment in NLCIL. 11.12 If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS Certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi/Tamil, the candidates should submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi or Tamil. 11.13 Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.00 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to help.recruitment@nlcindia.in. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions of NLCIL. Job Type OTHERJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/04/19 ", "title":" Industrial Trainee (Mines & Mines Support Services) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/11 1:22:58 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Passed X Standard and ITI (NTC) in any Engineering Trade. (or) X Standard passed and in possession of National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) in any Engineering Trade. ","employmentType":" OTHER ", "experienceRequirements":" ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Education ",//industry "qualifications":" ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" 11.1 Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 11.2 Minimum eligible age for applying for training scheme is 18 years as on Crucial Date. 11.3 Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions and operate the slots. 11.4 Offer of training will be subjected to Medical examination. 11.5 The period of training is terminable on either side with seven days’ notice without any liability for payment of dues in lieu of notice period and in the event of such termination of training, the trainee(s) will be liable to return or subject themselves for recovery of the value of any article, property or material entrusted to them during training period that has not been duly returned before such cessation. 11.6 NLC India reserves its right to terminate the training if, in the opinion of NLC India, the trainee is not subjecting themselves to proper and disciplined training. The decision of NLC India Limited shall be final and binding in this regard. 11.7 NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the Trainee slots notified at its discretion depending upon organizational requirements. 11.8 Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for engagement of training. 11.9 Candidates will be called for selection based on Self certified information along with copies of testimonials uploaded by them. They should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of document verification failing which such candidates will not be permitted to appear for further selection process. 11.10 NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ modify /reopen /alter the engagement process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 11.11 Depending upon vacancies that may arise in future these trained PAPs could be considered for Fixed Term Employment or Permanent Employment through recruitment notification. However, Completion of training does not guarantee the trainees any right to claim for permanent jobs or Fixed Term employment in NLCIL. 11.12 If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS Certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi/Tamil, the candidates should submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi or Tamil. 11.13 Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.00 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to help.recruitment@nlcindia.in. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions of NLCIL. ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Neyveli-Lignite-Corporation-Limited-NLC-logo.png " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Tamil Nadu ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Block-1, Neyveli ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Cuddalore ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 607 801 "//postalCode } } } } Industrial Trainee/SME & Technical (Diploma) & Various Posts. Vacancies (239) Last Date 19 April 2024 (NEYVEL , Tamil Nadu), Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) recruits Industrial Trainee/SME & Technical (Diploma), Industrial Trainee (Mines & Mines Support Services) posts. Candidates with Diploma in Engineering /X Standard passed/ ITI (NTC) in any Engineering Trade can apply. />About Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC Limited)Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, a “Navratna” Government of India Enterprise, under the administrative control of MOC has a chequered history of achievements since its inception in 1956. A pioneer among the public sector undertakings in energy sector, NLC operates Three Opencast Lignite Mines of total capacity of 28.5 Million Tonnes per Annum at Neyveli and one open cast lignite Mine of capacity 2.1 Million Tonnes per Annum at Barsingsar, Rajasthan. Five pithead Thermal Power Stations with an aggregate capacity of 3240 MW. Further, NLC has also so far installed nine Wind Turbine Generators of 1.50 MW each, aggregating to 13.50 MW, thereby increasing the overall power generating capacity to 3253.50 MW.Website Address:Contact Us:Registered Office:First Floor, No.8, Mayor Sathyamurthy Road,FSD, Egmore Complex of Food Corporation of India, Chetpet, Chennai-600031, Tamil Nadu,India.Ph No. 044-28364613,614,620 Fax. 044-28364619CIN:L93090TN1956GOI003507For more Government jobs, Please visit