NIPER Kolkata

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

Veterinary Doctor (BVSc/MVSC) Recruitment in National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

NIPER Kolkata Recruitment For
Veterinary Doctor (BVSc/MVSC)
No of NIPER Kolkata Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For NIPER Kolkata Recruitment
NIPER Kolkata Address
Near Maniktala Bus Depot, , Kolkata , West Bengal 700054
First Class in BVSc. with at least 3 years of relevant experience OR a First Class MVSC with at least 1 year of relevant experience.
Pay Level (7th CPC): 10
Not exceeding 43 years (including age relaxation for OBC-NCL candidates)
Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in pathology, training in laboratory animal management or experience in operating and maintaining laboratory animal facility in any reputed research institutes or lab. Handling, breeding and maintenance of laboratory animals, particularly inbred strains, research experience using laboratory animals, experience in histopathology, health monitoring techniques, genetic monitoring, breeding of animals etc. Good knowledge on CPCSEA guidelines
How to
Apply For
NIPER Kolkata
vacancy :
(a) The candidates are required to apply ONLINE only from 10:00 AM on 12.05.2021 to 11.06.2021 upto 06.00 PM. (b) For submission of application through ONLINE MODE, please visit: https://niperkolkata.edu.in (c) The print out of the ONLINE completed and duly signed and photograph pasted application and all relevant educational and experience certificates duly self-attested must reach the Institute on or before 16.06.2021 upto 04.00 PM by Registered/Speed Post/Courier. The envelope, containing complete application, should be super-scribed as Application for the post of- and must be sent to The Registrar I/C, NIPER-Kolkata, Chunilal Bhawan, 168 Maniktala Main Road, Near Maniktala Bus Depot, Kolkata 700054, West Bengal.
1. Candidates of only Indian Nationality can apply for these posts. 2. Candidates should read carefully the requisite essential qualifications, age, experience criteria, etc., laid down in the advertisement before applying for the relevant post. 3. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the “Online Application form”, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected. 4. Application once submitted cannot be altered/ resubmitted, under any circumstances. Further, no request with respect to making changes in any data/ particulars entered by the candidate in the Online Application will not be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the Application Online 5. Candidates may apply on prescribed application form online from the NIPER-K Website. They can apply for more than one post and more than one category provided, they fulfill the eligibility criteria. In such a case, the candidate has to apply for each post and category and Pay Application Fee separately. 6. However, based on the number of candidates applying for different posts, the institute reserves the right to hold a written test and/or Interview for the various posts together or separately on a single or multiple day across various sessions as per suitability of the institute. 7. Incomplete online application or Hard copy of application or those without relevant supporting documents (self-attested copies of Date of birth/Degrees/Certificates/Mark sheets/Experience Certificates/documents, etc.) will be rejected. 8. Mere fulfillment of minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle any candidate to receive call letter. 9. The applicants serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs/Autonomous organization must send their hard copy of application (in the prescribed format) along with the relevant documents “Through Proper Channel”. Such candidates are required to send advance copies of their applications before the due date but their candidature shall only be considered if their applications are received through proper channel within 15 days of closing date of receipt of hard copy of applications
Official Website Document

System Engineer (ME/M.Tech/MCA) Recruitment in National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

NIPER Kolkata Recruitment For
System Engineer (ME/M.Tech/MCA)
No of NIPER Kolkata Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For NIPER Kolkata Recruitment
NIPER Kolkata Address
Near Maniktala Bus Depot, , Kolkata , West Bengal 700054
Post-Graduation in Computer Engineering or Computer Applications from recognized university/ Institute.
Pay Level (7th CPC): 10
Not exceeding 40 years
Proficiency in higher level languages like FORTRAN, C and UNIX Shell programming and Perl Scripts. Experience of managing enterprise networks.
5 (Five) years of experience in systems administration and networking. Familiarity with different operating systems like UNIX, SOLARIS, HP-AUX etc.
How to
Apply For
NIPER Kolkata
vacancy :
(a) The candidates are required to apply ONLINE only from 10:00 AM on 12.05.2021 to 11.06.2021 upto 06.00 PM. (b) For submission of application through ONLINE MODE, please visit: https://niperkolkata.edu.in (c) The print out of the ONLINE completed and duly signed and photograph pasted application and all relevant educational and experience certificates duly self-attested must reach the Institute on or before 16.06.2021 upto 04.00 PM by Registered/Speed Post/Courier. The envelope, containing complete application, should be super-scribed as Application for the post of- and must be sent to The Registrar I/C, NIPER-Kolkata, Chunilal Bhawan, 168 Maniktala Main Road, Near Maniktala Bus Depot, Kolkata 700054, West Bengal.
1. Candidates of only Indian Nationality can apply for these posts. 2. Candidates should read carefully the requisite essential qualifications, age, experience criteria, etc., laid down in the advertisement before applying for the relevant post. 3. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the “Online Application form”, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected. 4. Application once submitted cannot be altered/ resubmitted, under any circumstances. Further, no request with respect to making changes in any data/ particulars entered by the candidate in the Online Application will not be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the Application Online 5. Candidates may apply on prescribed application form online from the NIPER-K Website. They can apply for more than one post and more than one category provided, they fulfill the eligibility criteria. In such a case, the candidate has to apply for each post and category and Pay Application Fee separately. 6. However, based on the number of candidates applying for different posts, the institute reserves the right to hold a written test and/or Interview for the various posts together or separately on a single or multiple day across various sessions as per suitability of the institute. 7. Incomplete online application or Hard copy of application or those without relevant supporting documents (self-attested copies of Date of birth/Degrees/Certificates/Mark sheets/Experience Certificates/documents, etc.) will be rejected. 8. Mere fulfillment of minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle any candidate to receive call letter. 9. The applicants serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs/Autonomous organization must send their hard copy of application (in the prescribed format) along with the relevant documents “Through Proper Channel”. Such candidates are required to send advance copies of their applications before the due date but their candidature shall only be considered if their applications are received through proper channel within 15 days of closing date of receipt of hard copy of applications
Official Website Document

Veterinary Doctor & Various Vacancies – Last Date 11 June 2021 (Kolkata, West Bengal), National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) recruits Veterinary Doctor, System Engineer Posts. Candidates with ME/M.Tech/MCA, BVSc/MVSC, Experienced can apply.

Faculty/Assistant Professor (Pharmacology and Toxicology) - M.Pharm/M.S, Ph.D (CLOSED) Recruitment in

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment For
Faculty/Assistant Professor (Pharmacology and Toxicology) - M.Pharm/M.S, Ph.D (CLOSED)
No of National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Address
Chunilal Bhawan Campus, 168, Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata , West Bengal 700 054
First class in M.Pharm./M.S.(Pharm.) with Ph.D. degree having teaching/industrial/ research experience in the relevant area for a period of three years (Post-Ph.D.). Candidate should have research publications in high quality peer reviewed journals. Highly self-motivated individual with inter-personal skills and grant-writing abilities
45 Years
How to
Apply For
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata)
vacancy :
Candidates can download the devised prescribed Application Form from www.niperkolkata.edu.in/recruitment.html and should submit the same duly filled in through email to registrar@niperkolkata.edu.in within 03/05/2018. They should also send their hard copies along with the copies of relevant certificates and documents so as to reach the Registrar (I/C), National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata), Chunilal Bhawan Campus, 168, Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata – 700 054, on or before 07/05/2018 positively latest by 05.30 P.M.
1. Age relaxations shall be permissible to reserved category candidates as per extant rules of the Government of India 2. No TA/ DA is admissible for attending the interview.
Jobs Type:
Full Time
Official Website Document

Faculty / Assistant Professor (Natural Products) - M.Pharm. / M.S., Ph.D., M.Sc (CLOSED) Recruitment in

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment For
Faculty / Assistant Professor (Natural Products) - M.Pharm. / M.S., Ph.D., M.Sc (CLOSED)
No of National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Recruitment
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) Address
Chunilal Bhawan Campus, 168, Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata , West Bengal 700 054
First class in M.Pharm./M.S.(Pharm.)/ M.Sc. with Ph.D. degree having teaching/industrial/ research experience in the relevant area for a period of three years (Post-Ph.D.). Candidate should have research publications in high quality peer reviewed journals. Highly self-motivated individual with inter-personal skills and grant-writing abilities.
45 Years
How to
Apply For
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata)
vacancy :
Candidates can download the devised prescribed Application Form from www.niperkolkata.edu.in/recruitment.html and should submit the same duly filled in through email to registrar@niperkolkata.edu.in within 03/05/2018. They should also send their hard copies along with the copies of relevant certificates and documents so as to reach the Registrar (I/C), National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata), Chunilal Bhawan Campus, 168, Manicktala Main Road, Kolkata – 700 054, on or before 07/05/2018 positively latest by 05.30 P.M.
1. Age relaxations shall be permissible to reserved category candidates as per extant rules of the Government of India 2. No TA/ DA is admissible for attending the interview.
Jobs Type:
Full Time
Official Website Document

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) recruits Faculty / Assistant Professor Posts. Candidates with M.Pharm. / M.S., Ph.D., M.Sc. experience can apply.


About National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER-Kolkata) – नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ फार्मास्यूटिकल एजुकेशन एंड रिसर्च, कोलकाता:

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER),Kolkata was created in 2007 under the aegis of Ministry of Chemicals & Fertiliser as a centre of excellence for higher education, research and development in pharmaceutical sciences. The institute was declared as an Institute of National importance by Government of India through Act of Parliament ( NIPER Act 1998 & NIPER amendment Act 2007). At present the new Institute is housed at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology(IICB), a premier Institute of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India. The mentor Institute was established in 1935 as the first non-official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956. IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years. The scientific staff have expertise in a variety of areas including chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, neurobiology, immunology, structural biology and bioinformatics, which promotes productive interdisciplinary interactions of the major laboratories in India. These interactive exercises initiated, right from its inception, multidisciplinary concerted efforts for conducting basic research on infectious diseases, specifically leishmaniasis and cholera, along with the development of technologies for the diagnosis, immunoprophylaxis, and chemotherapy of the diseases. A neurobiology group is involved in research on the development of the vertebrate brain and also the genesis of human movement disorders. Bioactive substances from natural sources and chemically synthesized new molecules are being explored as potential drugs. Other areas being actively pursued are gastric hyperacidity and ulcer, muscular dystrophy and related disorders, macromolecular structure-function analysis, development of targeted drug delivery systems, sperm biology, protein chemistry and enzymology. To tone up the level of pharmaceutical education and research. To produce leaders in the field and provide opportunities for training of future teachers and research scientists for the industry and the profession. To be a center for innovation in pharmaceutical sciences and technology. To encourage research and studies in new and emerging areas like discovery of pharmacologically active molecules, cellular and molecular biology, immunology and immunodiagnostics, recombinant DNA technology and monoclonal antibody technology, novel drug delivery systems, chemical and biochemical process technology, etc. To provide scientific footing to traditional medicines.
Website Address:https://www.niperkolkata.edu.in/
Postal Address:No 4, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata –700032
Tel:+91(033) -24292422

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2025-03-05 12:32