NIIH – National Institute of Immunohaematology

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नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ इम्मुनोहाइमटोलोग्य

ICMR-NIIH Recruitment

Important Timelines

Item(s) / Activities Timeline(s)/Remarks
Opening date for online registration for filling up of online application 11.07.2023
Closing date for online registration & submission of online applications 01.08.2023 upto 05.00 PM
Tentative Schedule for CBT Examination 20.08.2023


  • All the above dates are tentative and subject to change. Candidates are advised to remain in touch with the ICMR-NIIH and ICMR websites for any updates.
  • Information about vacancies, qualifications, application process, and other terms and conditions can be found in the guidelines below.

Details of Vacancies/ Pay Level & Reservations

Post Code Name of the Post Level as per VII CPC pay Matrix plus allowances as admissible under the Govt. rules Total number of tentative vacancies & Reservation
TA-01 Technical Assistant Level-6 Rs.35400-112400 01-UR
T-1 Technician-1 Level-2 Rs.19900-63200 01-OBC, 01-UR

Abbreviations: UR=Un-reserved, OBC=Other Backward Classes


  • The posts are meant for ICMR-NIIH, Mumbai, however, the candidates selected for the above vacancies can be posted anywhere in India.
  • No request for specific posting/transfer will be entertained.
  • The above vacancies (including reserved vacancies) are provisional and subject to variation. The competent authority reserves the right to vary or withdraw the advertisement without assigning any reason.

Eligibility Criteria

SI. No. Post Code Essential Qualifications Desirable Qualifications Upper Age Limit as on 01.08.2023
1 TA-01 1st class three-year Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences / Biotechnology from a recognized University 02 years experience in Molecular Biology Not exceeding 30 years
2 T-1 12th or Intermediate pass in Science subject with 55% marks from a Govt. recognized Board and at least one year Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) from govt. recognized Institution 02 years experience in Immunology/Molecular Biology Not exceeding 28 years

Selection Procedure

  • Eligible candidates will be required to appear for an Online Computer based Test (CBT), the information for which will be provided in the Admit card.
  • Candidates applying for multiple posts should indicate their post-wise preference during document verification.
  • After the CBT and Document verification, the ICMR-NIIH will draw up the Merit List for each category of the post.
  • Once a candidate has been given his/her first available preference, as per merit, he/she will not be considered for any other options.
  • No interviews will be conducted for these posts.

Age Relaxation

  • Upper age limit shall be determined as on the closing date for submission of online application.
  • Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate only will be accepted for determining the age.
  • Age relaxation for departmental candidates and those working in ICMR funded projects is available as per the instructions issued by DoPT.
  • Reserved category applicants will receive age relaxation only if applying for reserved vacancies.

Conditions for Age Relaxations and Reservations

A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation must possess the appropriate original caste/community certificate and submit it when called for by ICMR-NIIH. Failure to do so will resultin the candidate’s claims for age-relaxation and reservation not being considered. The crucial date for submitting the certificates will be the closing date for receipt of online applications. Candidates should submit the required certificates in the prescribed format at the time of Document Verification. If the certificate is issued in a language other than English/Hindi/Marathi, a self-certified translated copy should be submitted in English, Hindi, or Marathi during the verification process.


Technical Assistant, Technician I   Vacancies – Last Date 01  August    2023  (Mumbai , Maharashtra), National Institute of Immunohaematology (NIIH) recruits Technical Assistant, Technician I   posts. Candidate with B.Sc, DMLT   Experienced can apply.

Consultant ( M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D)(CLOSED) Recruitment in National Institute of Immunohaematology

NIIH Recruitment For
Consultant ( M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D)(CLOSED)
No of NIIH Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For NIIH Recruitment
NIIH Address
National Institute of Immunohaematology , Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
Professionals having M.Sc, Ph.D qualification in Applied Biology with R &D experience and published papers OR Retired Government employee M.Sc, Ph.D qualification in Applied Biology drawing pay in the Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 + Grade pay of Rs.5400/- and above at the time of retirement with at least 20 years experience in the required domain/field
67 years
Minimum 30 years experience in transfusion medicine and molecular immunohaematology
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-23/04/2023
1. Incomplete applications, applications without photo and signature, without relevant enclosures or received after the last date shall be summarily rejected. 2. Submission of incorrect or false information shall disqualify the candidature at any stage. 3. If the candidate is not eligible, his / her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process. If he/she qualifies in the selection process and subsequently, it is found that he / she does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his / her candidature will be cancelled. Even after appointment if found ineligible, services so obtained will be terminated without any notice or compensation. 4. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence in any form for shortlisting, selection or employment will be treated as disqualification and such candidates will not be considered and be debarred from the selection process. 5. Age limit and experience will be considered as on the last date of submission of the application. 6. Candidates experience as mandatory requirement should clearly state the nature of work during the period of employment and the duration of his/her engagement. 7. Qualification and experience should be in a relevant discipline/field and from a reputed institution/organization recognized by the relevant authority. 8. Experience shall be counted from the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification. 9. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee selection. 10. Candidates already in regular service under any Central/State Govt./Autonomous Dept./PSU are not eligible to apply. 11. The Director, ICMR-NIIH has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/ recommendation will be entertained in this matter. 12. The Institute reserves the right to adopt criteria for shortlisting the applications in case of receipt of large number of applications. 13. The Director, ICMR-NIIH reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts as per requirement or even cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without assigning any reason thereof, no correspondence will be entertained in this regards. 14. Bad connection/ connection failure from any side will NOT be the responsibility of the ICMR-NIIH. 15. The offer of engagement will be subject to verification of original certificates as per the advertisement. 16. Selected candidates have to sign an agreement of contractual appointment with ICMRNIIH. 17. The post is contractual for the duration offered and can be terminated by giving not less than one months’ notice on either side at any time without assigning any reason. 18. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement. 19. The post is filled up on a purely temporary and contractual basis & the candidate will have no right to claim for any type of Permanent Employment under ICMR-NIIH or continuation of his/her services in any other project. 20. Any Addendum/Corrigendum in respect of above vacancy notice shall be issued on website https://niih.org.in only and no separate notification shall be issued in the press. Applicants are requested to regularly visit these websites to keep themselves updated. 21. In order to avoid any hassle and to note the changes (if any) candidates are advised to check the above cited website before appearing for the personal discussion. 22. Any dispute that may arise between Consultant and the Institute as to the terms and conditions shall be referred to the Director, ICMR-NIIH and his decision will be binding.
Official Website Document

Consultant   Vacancies – Last Date 23  April   2023  (Mumbai , Maharashtra), National Institute of Immunohaematology (NIIH) recruits Consultant    posts. Candidate with M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D  Experienced can apply.

Scientist-B (MBBS, BAMS, BHMS)(CLOSED) Recruitment in National Institute of Immunohaematology

NIIH Recruitment For
No of NIIH Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For NIIH Recruitment
NIIH Address
National Institute of Immunohaematology , Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
MBBS/BAMS/BHMS degree with two years Research/Teaching experience.
40 year
MD Degree with 2 years of research experience.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-09/04/2023
1. The above positions are on temporary contract basis. 2. The Director & Appointing Authority has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained. 3. Age, qualifications, etc will be reckoned as on the date of Written Test/ Interview. 4. The appointment can be terminated with one month notice from either side without assigning any reason. 5. Since, the posts are temporary; the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointment at NIIH or continuation of his/ her services in any other project. 6. Other allowances like CCA, LTC, Medical Claim and PF are not applicable. 7. The recruited project staff is eligible for leave as per project recruitment rules and will have to give an undertaking before joining. 8. At the time of joining duty, the candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualifications (from SSC onwards), Experience, Aadhaar Card, Community and PH certificates (if applicable), passport size photograph along with one set of photocopies of the certificates duly attested (can be self attested) for verification. 9. The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on contract basis. 10. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification.
Official Website Document

Scientist-B   Vacancies – Last Date 09  April   2023  (Mumbai , Maharashtra), National Institute of Immunohaematology (NIIH) recruits Scientist-B   posts. Candidate with MBBS, BAMS, BHMS  Experienced can apply.

Project Scientist I ( Ph.D)(CLOSED) Recruitment in National Institute of Immunohaematology






2024-11-25 10:52