NIC – Delhi

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No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is briefed as under a. Registration with Email id b. Submission of Application details. c. Payment of application fee online (if applicable, see section 4.3 for details) 4. The application shall be treated as complete only if all the three mandatory steps (Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 (if applicable)) are completed successfully. In case, candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. 5. Applicant can view the Application details from the ‘View Application Option’ available on the home page by logging at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/Login.aspx with correct login credentials. Applicant is required to make sure that ‘Application Status’ on application form is “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee received” or “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee not Applicable” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. (Advt No: NIELIT/NIC/2020/1 )” generalinstructions=”Applications which are not in conformity with the requirement indicated in the advertisement are liable to be rejected. 2. Candidates for the post of Scientist – ‘B’ at the time of interview shall bring the downloaded Interview Call Letter, self-attested copies of the testimonials along with their originals and NOC from their employer, if applicable, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview. 3. Final Selection of candidates for appointment to the above mentioned positions will be based on meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, the performance in the written examination and in interview (if applicable). 4. If at any point of time it is found that the information furnished by the candidate was incorrect in any respect or forged /fabricated documents were presented by any candidate, his/her candidature will be cancelled and in case the candidate has already joined the post, his services shall be summarily terminated. 5. Each candidate shall affix his/her recent color passport size photograph (of size 3.5 cms x 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then append his/her signatures with Black Pen in another box of 3.5 cms x 1.5cms below the photograph on the same Paper.(sample at Annexure ‘C’) Scan the above photo and signature in a single file in JPG format of size not more than 50 KB, and resolution of 170px(width) X 250px(height). Upload the same at appropriate space provided in the on-line Application Form.” educationrequirements=”A Pass in M.Sc./MS/MCA/B.E./B.Tech in any one or in combination of below mentioned field as mentioned below, a. Field (single or in combination amongst the below only): Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics & telecommunications, Computer Sciences, Computer and Networking Security, Software System, Information Technology, Informatics.” occupationalcategory=”Science & Engineering” dateposted=”06/01/2020″ street=”National Informatics Centre Guntur ” city=”New Delhi” state=”Delhi” postalcode=”110012″ url=”https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/documentformats/Window_Advertisement.pdf” pdfurl=”https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/documentformats/Window_Advertisement.pdf” ]

No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is briefed as under a. Registration with Email id b. Submission of Application details. c. Payment of application fee online (if applicable, see section 4.3 for details) 4. The application shall be treated as complete only if all the three mandatory steps (Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 (if applicable)) are completed successfully. In case, candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. 5. Applicant can view the Application details from the ‘View Application Option’ available on the home page by logging at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/Login.aspx with correct login credentials. Applicant is required to make sure that ‘Application Status’ on application form is “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee received” or “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee not Applicable” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. (Advt No: NIELIT/NIC/2020/1 )” generalinstructions=”Applications which are not in conformity with the requirement indicated in the advertisement are liable to be rejected. 2. Candidates for the post of Scientist – ‘B’ at the time of interview shall bring the downloaded Interview Call Letter, self-attested copies of the testimonials along with their originals and NOC from their employer, if applicable, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview. 3. Final Selection of candidates for appointment to the above mentioned positions will be based on meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, the performance in the written examination and in interview (if applicable). 4. If at any point of time it is found that the information furnished by the candidate was incorrect in any respect or forged /fabricated documents were presented by any candidate, his/her candidature will be cancelled and in case the candidate has already joined the post, his services shall be summarily terminated. 5. Each candidate shall affix his/her recent color passport size photograph (of size 3.5 cms x 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then append his/her signatures with Black Pen in another box of 3.5 cms x 1.5cms below the photograph on the same Paper.(sample at Annexure ‘C’) Scan the above photo and signature in a single file in JPG format of size not more than 50 KB, and resolution of 170px(width) X 250px(height). Upload the same at appropriate space provided in the on-line Application Form.” educationrequirements=”A Pass in Bachelor Degree in Engineering OR Bachelor in Technology OR Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B-level OR Associate Member of Institute of Engineers OR Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers OR Master Degree in Science (MSc) OR Master Degree in Computer Application OR Master Degree in Engineering /Technology (ME /M.Tech) OR Master Degree in Philosophy (M Phil) in the field as mentioned below a. Field (single or in combination amongst the below only): Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Computer Sciences, Communication, Computer and Networking Security, Computer Application, Software System, Information Technology, Information Technology Management, Informatics, Computer Management, Cyberlaw, Electronics and Instrumentation.” occupationalcategory=”Science & Engineering”dateposted=”06/01/2020″ street=”National Informatics Centre Guntur ” city=”New Delhi” state=”Delhi” postalcode=”110012″ url=”https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/documentformats/Window_Advertisement.pdf” pdfurl=”https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/documentformats/Window_Advertisement.pdf” ]

Scientific/Technical Assistant,Scientist B (495 Vacancies) – Last Date 01 June 2020 (Delhi), National Informatics Centre Guntur (NIC Guntur) recruits Scientist-B, Scientific/Technical Assistant Post. Candidate with M.Sc./ M.S/ MCA/ B.E./ B.Tech,Graduate/ Post Graduate/ M.E /M.Tech/M.Phil, experienced can apply.

Scientist-B (Graduate/Post Graduate/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech/M.Phil) (CLOSED) Recruitment in National Informatics Centre Guntur - NIC Guntur

NIC Guntur Recruitment For
Scientist-B (Graduate/Post Graduate/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech/M.Phil) (CLOSED)
No of NIC Guntur Recruitment
Date For NIC Guntur Recruitment
NIC Guntur Address
National Informatics Centre Guntur , New Delhi, Delhi 110016
A Pass in Bachelor Degree in Engineering OR Bachelor in Technology OR Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses B-level OR Associate Member of Institute of Engineers OR Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers OR Master Degree in Science (MSc) OR Master Degree in Computer Application OR Master Degree in Engineering /Technology (ME /M.Tech) OR Master Degree in Philosophy (M Phil) in the field as mentioned below:-
(Rs.56100- Rs.177500)
Minimum 30 Maximum 40 Years
Verification of requisite documents will be done at the time of the interview for the post of Scientist- ‘B’. Candidate will be interviewed only after verification of original documents to ascertain their eligibility for the post. For Scientific/Technical Assistant - ‘A’, Verification of documents will be done before joining. 2. Only short- listed candidates will be called for document verification. 3. Mere fulfilling of requirement as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate to be called for personal interaction/interview. 4. Interview: Shortlisted candidates shall be intimated about the date and venue by through SMS/e-mail communications to the registered email ID/Mobile phone by NIELIT
How to
Apply For
NIC Guntur
vacancy :
Candidates are requested to apply only by ONLINE at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/ before 30/04/2020 (05:00 P.M). No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is briefed as under. 2. a. STEP 1: Registration with Email id b. STEP 2: Submission of Application details. c. STEP 3: Payment of application fee online (if applicable, see section 4.3 for details) 3. The application shall be treated as complete only if all the three mandatory steps (Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 (if applicable)) are completed successfully. In case, candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. 4. Applicant can view the Application details from the ‘View Application Option’ available on the home page by logging at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/Login.aspx with correct login credentials. Applicant is required to make sure that ‘Application Status’ on application form is “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee received” or “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee not Applicable” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard.
Applications which are not in conformity with the requirement indicated in the advertisement, are liable to be rejected. 2. Candidates for the post of Scientist - ‘B’ at the time of interview shall bring the downloaded Interview Call Letter, self-attested copies of the testimonials along with their originals and NOC from their employer, if applicable, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview. 3. Final Selection of candidates for appointment to the above mentioned positions will be based on meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, the performance in the written examination and in interview (if applicable). 4. If at any point of time it is found that the information fuished by the candidate was incorrect in any respect or forged /fabricated documents were presented by any candidate, his/her candidature will be cancelled and in case the candidate has already joined the post, his services shall be summarily terminated. 5. Each candidate shall affix his/her recent color passport size photograph (of size 3.5 cms x 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then append his/her signatures with Black Pen in another box of 3.5 cms x 1.5cms below the photograph on the same Paper.(sample at Annexure ‘C’) Scan the above photo and signature in a single file in JPG format of size not more than 50 KB, and resolution of 170px(width) X 250px(height). Upload the same at appropriate space provided in the on-line Application Form
Official Website Document

Scientific/Technical Assistant (M.Sc/ MS/ MCA/ B.E/ B.Tech) (CLOSED) Recruitment in National Informatics Centre Guntur - NIC Guntur

NIC Guntur Recruitment For
Scientific/Technical Assistant (M.Sc/ MS/ MCA/ B.E/ B.Tech) (CLOSED)
No of NIC Guntur Recruitment
Date For NIC Guntur Recruitment
NIC Guntur Address
National Informatics Centre Guntur , New Delhi, Delhi 110016
A Pass in M.Sc./MS/MCA/B.E./B.Tech in any one or in combination of below mentioned field as mentioned below:- Field (single or in combination amongst the below only): Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics & telecommunications, Computer Scie
Rs. 35,400 - Rs. 1,12,400/-Per Month
Minimum 30 Maximum 40 Years
Selection will be done through a written examination and interview for Scientist ‘B’ Post and only through written examination for Scientific/Technical Assistant - ‘A’ Post. All eligible candidates who have successfully submitted the online application for Scientist-’B’ and Scientific/Technical Assistant – ‘A’ along with required fee & screened in, shall be called for a written examination. Written Examination shall be of 3 hours duration conducted in English medium only. Scheme of written examination shall be Objective type and OMR Based. The question paper for the written examination will consists of 65% questions from Technical Area and 35% from Generic Area. There shall be a total of 120 objective type Questions consisting of 78 questions from Technical Area (Computer Science) and 42 question on Generic area.
How to
Apply For
NIC Guntur
vacancy :
Candidates are requested to apply only by ONLINE at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/ before 30/04/2020 (05:00 P.M). No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is briefed as under. 2. a. STEP 1: Registration with Email id b. STEP 2: Submission of Application details. c. STEP 3: Payment of application fee online (if applicable, see section 4.3 for details) 3. The application shall be treated as complete only if all the three mandatory steps (Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 (if applicable)) are completed successfully. In case, candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard. 4. Applicant can view the Application details from the ‘View Application Option’ available on the home page by logging at https://www.calicut.nielit.in/nic/Login.aspx with correct login credentials. Applicant is required to make sure that ‘Application Status’ on application form is “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee received” or “Application Submission Completed Successfully and Application Fee not Applicable” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected and no further query or complaint will be entertained in this regard.
Applications which are not in conformity with the requirement indicated in the advertisement, are liable to be rejected. 2. Candidates for the post of Scientist - ‘B’ at the time of interview shall bring the downloaded Interview Call Letter, self-attested copies of the testimonials along with their originals and NOC from their employer, if applicable, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview. 3. Final Selection of candidates for appointment to the above mentioned positions will be based on meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, the performance in the written examination and in interview (if applicable). 4. If at any point of time it is found that the information fuished by the candidate was incorrect in any respect or forged /fabricated documents were presented by any candidate, his/her candidature will be cancelled and in case the candidate has already joined the post, his services shall be summarily terminated. 5. Each candidate shall affix his/her recent color passport size photograph (of size 3.5 cms x 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then append his/her signatures with Black Pen in another box of 3.5 cms x 1.5cms below the photograph on the same Paper.(sample at Annexure ‘C’) Scan the above photo and signature in a single file in JPG format of size not more than 50 KB, and resolution of 170px(width) X 250px(height). Upload the same at appropriate space provided in the on-line Application Form
Official Website Document

Scientist-B, Scientific/Technical Assistant (495 Vacancies) – Last Date 30 April 2020 (Delhi), National Informatics Centre Guntur (NIC Guntur) recruits Scientist-B, Scientific/Technical Assistant Post. Candidate with M.Sc./ M.S/ MCA/ B.E./ B.Tech,Graduate/ Post Graduate/ M.E /M.Tech/M.Phil, experienced can apply.


About National Informatics Centre Guntur (NIC Guntur):

National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Department of Information Technology is providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Government, State Governments, UT Administrations, Districts and other Government bodies. It offers a wide range of ICT services including Nationwide Communication Network for decentralised planning, improvement in Government services and wider transparency of national and local Governments.
NIC assists in implementing Information Technology Projects, in close collaboration with Central and State Governments, in the areas of (a) Centrally sponsored schemes and Central sector schemes, (b) State sector and State sponsored projects, and (c) District Administration sponsored projects. NIC endeavors to ensure that the latest technology in all areas of IT is available to its users.

Contact Us :District Collectorate Office Collector & District Magistrate, Guntur – 522 004
Fax No: 0863 – 2225907
E-Mail: collector_gntr@ap.gov.in
Website Address:https://guntur.ap.gov.in/

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2025-03-05 13:32