NIASM – National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management

National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management NIASM

    Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - M.Sc Recruitment in National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management

    NIASM Recruitment For
    Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - M.Sc
    No of NIASM Recruitment
    Please check with the concern authority or website
    Date For NIASM Recruitment
    NIASM Address
    Malegaon-Karhavagaj Road, Khurd, Baramati, , Pune, Maharashtra 413115
    Candidates having Master degree in agronomy/soil Science and Genetics & Plant Breeding/Plant Physiology with 4 year or 5 year of Bachelor’s Degree. Candidates having Postgraduate degree in Basic Sciences with 3 year Bachelor’s Degree and 2 year Master’s Degree Should have NET qualifications and 2 year of research experience
    21 - 45 years, as on date of interview (Age relaxation SC/ST/ OBC/PWD/ Women and other exempted categories as per ICAR / GOI guidelines).
    M.Sc.(Soil Science, Agronomy, Plant Physiology, Genetics & Plant Breeding) Knowledge about soil Sampling, data recording, field experiments, crop management, abiotic stress response in plants.
    How to
    Apply For
    vacancy :
    1. Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the eligible candidates are requested to send their bio-data in the enclosed application format along with self-attested scanned copies (PDF/JPEG) of the relevant documents through e-mail to niasm.recruitment@gmail.com on or before 30th December, 2021. 2. Application received after due date will not be considered. After screening of applications, the eligible candidates will be informed by email or over phone and on website of ICAR-NIASM ) for further details regarding online interview.
    1) The position is purely temporary, time-bound and co-terminus, the selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at ICAR-NIASM. 2) Young Professional-I and Young Professional-II will be initially hired for a period of 1 Year, extendable up to a maximum of another two more years based on needs of the organization and performance of the candidate on a monthly consolidated emoluments of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) for Young Professional-I and Rs. 35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand only) for Young Professional-II. 3) Age limit: 21 - 45 years, as on date of interview (Age relaxation SC/ST/ OBC/PWD/ Women and other exempted categories as per ICAR / GOI guidelines). 4) All the relevant original testimonials (date of birth, degree certificate, experience certificate, etc., if any) are to be shown and a set of attested copies of all the certificates will be required to be submitted by the candidates for verification, before joining, if selected.
    Official Website Document

    Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – Last Date 30 December 2021 (Pune, Maharashtra), National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) recruits Senior Research Fellow post. M.Sc, Experienced candidates can apply.

    Senior Research Fellow (BHMS, M.Ed, MS) Recruitment in National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management

    NIASM Recruitment For
    Senior Research Fellow (BHMS, M.Ed, MS)
    No of NIASM Recruitment
    Please check with the concern authority or website
    Date For NIASM Recruitment
    NIASM Address
    National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Malegaon, Baramati-, Pune, Maharashtra 413115
    Candidates having Master degree in Agronomy/Soil science and agricultural chemistry/plant physiology with 4 years or 5 years of Bachelor's Degree. Candidates having Post-graduate degree in Basic Sciences with 3 years Bachelor's degree and 2 years Master's degree should have NET qualifications and 2 years of research experience as mentioned in OM No. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD dated 13th July 2015, OM No. Agril. Edn. 6/27/2014-HRD dated 9th October 2015 of the Council and OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated 30th January, 2019.
    Senior Research Fellow (SRF) will be initially hired for a period of 1 year, extendable up to a maximum of another six months based on needs of the organization and performance of the candidate on a monthly consolidated emoluments of Rs. 35000/-.
    Maximum 35 Years for Men and 40 Years for Women
    M.Sc.(Soil Science, Agronomy, Plant Physiology,Gentics & Plant Breeding)) Knowledge about soil sampling, data recording, field experiments, crop management, abiotic stress response in plants.
    How to
    Apply For
    vacancy :
    1. Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the eligible candidates are requested to send their bio-data in the enclosed application format along with self-attested scanned copies (PDF/JPEG) of the relevant documents through e-mail to niasm.recruitment@gmail.com on or before 20th December, 2021. 2. Application received after due date will not be considered. After screening of applications, the eligible candidates will be informed by email or over phone and on website of ICAR-NIASM ) for further details regarding online interview.
    Official Website Document

    Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – Last Date 20 December 2021 (Pune, Maharashtra), National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) recruits Senior Research Fellow post. M.Sc, Experienced candidates can apply.

    Technical Assistant (Graduate) (CLOSED) Recruitment in National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management - NIASM

    NIASM Recruitment For
    Technical Assistant (Graduate) (CLOSED)
    No of NIASM Recruitment
    Please check with the concern authority or website
    Date For NIASM Recruitment
    NIASM Address
    National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management , Pune, Maharashtra 411048
    Officials holding analogous post i.e 05 years regular service as Technical Assistant (T-3) (Lab. Technicians ) Under Category-II 2. Technical Assistant (T-3) under functional group (Lab Technician): Officials holding analogous post i.e 05 years regular service as Technical Assistant (T-3) (Lab. Technicians ) Under Category-II 3. Technical Assistant (T-3) Functional Group (Workshop Staff): Officials holding analogous post i.e 05 years regular service as Technical Assistant (T-3) (Workshop staff) Under Category-II
    How to
    Apply For
    vacancy :
    It is requested that the vacancy may be circulated among the eligible and desirous candidates, if any, working at your Institute/Establishment. The application of only such candidates who can be relieved immediately in the event of their selection may please be forwarded in the proforma appended along with their complete APAR/CR Dossiers for the last 5 years (attested photo copies), so as to reach this office on or before 10.01.2021. 2. A certificate to the effect that No Disciplinary/Vigilance case is pending or being contemplated against Ihe candidate(s) may also be fuinished while fetwalding the application thiough proper channel. Incomplete applications and those received after the prescribed due date and not forwarded through proper channel or without APAR Dossiers and certificates as described above, will not be entertained. The Director ICAR-NIASM, Baramati reserves the right either to fill up or otherwise without assigning any reason thereof.
    Official Website Document

    Technical Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 10 January 2021 (Pune, Maharashtra), National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) recruits Technical Assistant post. Graduate experienced candidates can apply.

    Young Professional II (B.Tech/B.E, BVSC, M.Sc) (CLOSED) Recruitment in National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management - NIASM

    NIASM Recruitment For
    Young Professional II (B.Tech/B.E, BVSC, M.Sc) (CLOSED)
    No of NIASM Recruitment
    Please check with the concern authority or website
    Date For NIASM Recruitment
    NIASM Address
    National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Pune, Maharashtra 413115
    Postgraduates in Agricultural Sciences or graduate degree holder in engineering/technology/veteri nary science.
    Rs. 35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand only)
    21 - 45 years, as on date of interview (Age relaxation SC/ST/ OBC/PWD/ Women and other exempted categories as per ICAR / GOI guidelines).
    Post graduate diploma/ certificate in geoinformatics / Geomatics /Remote Sensing & GIS/ Spatial Data Science. Experience of working in Spatial Data Science related projects, Good understanding of Data processing pipelines, Python, R, QGIS, ArcGIS. Good Aptitude. Specialization in any of following subjects:- Geoinformatics/Computer application/information technology.
    How to
    Apply For
    vacancy :
    The eligible candidates are requested to send their bio-data in the enclosed application format, along with self-attested scanned copies (PDF/JPEG) of the relevant documents through e-mail to niasm.recruitment@gmail.com on or before 4th January, 2021. Application received after due date will not be considered.
    The position is purely temporary, time-bound and co-terminus, the selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at ICAR-NIASM. 2. Young Professional-I and Young Professional-II will be initially hired for a period of 1 Year, extendable up to a maximum of another two more years based on needs of the organization and performance of the candidate on a monthly consolidated emoluments of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) for Young Professional-I and Rs. 35,000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand only) for Young Professional-II. 3. Following additional terms & conditions may be included in the amended notification/advertisement i) Those who have applied previously as per notification/advertisement (F.no.14-52/2020-21 dated 17.10.2020), in proper format and separately mentioning sr.no of post applied, need not to apply again for the same posts. ii) Candidates should note a few modification in essential and desired qualification in the previously advertised posts (post Sr.no1 to 16) also. iii) Candidate should note the corrections/revisions in essential and desired qualification of previously advertised posts of YPs for posts Nos 5, 7, 8 and 9.and eligibility criteria for other posts will remain the same as advertised previously. iv) New requirement for Young professional positions are included from Post Sr.No. 17 to 30 4. Age limit: 21 - 45 years, as on date of interview (Age relaxation SC/ST/ OBC/PWD/ Women and other exempted categories as per ICAR / GOI guidelines). 5. All the relevant original testimonials (date of birth, degree certificate, experience certificate, etc., if any) are to be shown and a set of attested copies of all the certificates will be required to be submitted by the candidates for verification, before joining, if selected 6. The duly filled-in application form (as per the format enclosed) with photograph affixed on it and signed, along with brief resume should be sent on email id: niasm.recruitment@gmail.com 7. No objection and experience certificate is required from the employer, in case he/she is employed. 8. The candidates having edge over others on possession of essential and desirable qualifications will be short-listed and called for interview. 9. No TA/DA/ any other expenses will be paid for attending the interview. 10. Concealing of the facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of the candidate. The decision of the Director, ICAR-NIASM will be final and binding in allrespects. 11. It may be noted by the candidate intending to attend the online interview, if any of his/her near or distant relative is an employee of the ICAR -NIASM, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing (Annexure-II) along with the form application so as to reach us by 4 th January, 2021. If any such certificate and or declaration is furnished on the date of interview and found that his/her relative is an employee of ICAR - NIASM, such candidate will not be allowed to appear for the interview. Moreover, even after joining, if the information is found to be false, her/his candidature is liable to be rejected and/ or termination of contract. 12. In case of under-performance and or indiscipline/misconduct, the hired Young Professional is liable to be removed without notice. 13. The number of posts may vary as per the requirement. 14. The candidate is advised to specifically mention the serial number of Young Professional-Position, applied for. 15. In case the candidate is applying for more than one position, he/she may apply separately.
    Official Website Document

    Young Professional II, Young Professional I (35 Vacancies) – Last Date 04 January 2021 (Pune, Maharashtra), National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) recruits Young Professional II, Young Professional I post. B.B.A, B.Com, B.Sc., Diploma, BFSc, B.Tech/B.E, BVSC, M.Sc. experienced candidates can apply.


    About National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) – नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ आबिओटिक स्ट्रेस मैनेजमेंट

    NIASM, an unique institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), was established in 2009 at Malegaon Khurd, Baramati. The institute aims at exploring the avenues for management of abiotic stresses affecting the very sustainability of national food production systems. It specifically addresses the aberration induced stresses due to atmospheric, water and edaphic factors, which are estimated to cause 50 per cent losses in crop productivity. Since these stresses are predicted to amplify due to climate change and land degradation, the primary task for the institute is to evolve alleviation techniques through advances in frontier science research. The institute is being structured to enhance capacity of scientists and policy makers mainly by imparting knowledge and by providing the state-of-art facilities for multidisciplinary and multi-commodity research.
    Website Address:
    Contact Us: The Director,
    ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management
    Malegaon, Baramati 413 115, Pune Maharashtra, India
    Phone : (02112) 254057/58/59
    Fax : (02112) 254056
    For more Government jobs, Please visit

2025-03-05 12:28