ఇండియన్ ఇన్స్టిట్యూట్ అఫ్ టెక్నాలజీ తిరుపతి Grounds Man Recruitment in Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati IIT Tirupati Recruitment ForGrounds Man No of IIT Tirupati Recruitment 01 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For IIT Tirupati Recruitment 04/10/2024 IIT Tirupati Address Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati Yerpedu – Venkatagiri Road, Yerpedu, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 517619 Qualification SSC / Intermediate passed outPay Scale₹22,000 – 27,000/-Age Limit 25 - 30 years Desirable Qualifications Experience of working on the ground field in Educational Institutions.Experience Requirements Minimum 3 years of experience as Grounds Man (cleaning, marking the ground & etc.,) in Educational Institutions.How toApply For IIT Tirupati vacancy : Certificate verification: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Eligible and interested candidates may download the Application Form from the given website and submit along with self-attested copies of required documents and photograph at the time of walk-ininterview. Original certificates need to be produced for verification. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Venue: Meeting Room of Dean Student Affairs, first floor, left-wing, Admin Building For further details, please visit website: https://iittp.ac.in/announcements General Instructions 1. The upper age limit may be relaxed for exceptionally good candidates based on the committee’s decision. 2. The initial tenure of appointment will be for a period of one year, it may be extended subjected to satisfactory performance and requirement of the Institute. 3. The selected candidates shall not have a claim on any regular position and shall not have any of the privileges like housing, medical facilities, and other benefits available to regular employees of the Institute. 4. The decision of the Institute may be final regarding final selection and pay fixation.Detail of Interview 04.10.2024 (Friday) Reporting Time for Registration - 9:30 AMVenue of Interview Meeting Room of Dean Student Affairs, first floor, left-wing, Admin Building For further details, please visit website: https://iittp.ac.in/announcementsJob Type TEMPORARYJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/10/04 ", "title":" Grounds Man ", "datePosted":" 2024/10/03 10:43:04 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" SSC / Intermediate passed out ","employmentType":" TEMPORARY ", "experienceRequirements":" Minimum 3 years of experience as Grounds Man (cleaning, marking the ground & etc.,) in Educational Institutions. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Staffing ",//industry "qualifications":" Experience of working on the ground field in Educational Institutions. ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" 1. The upper age limit may be relaxed for exceptionally good candidates based on the committee’s decision. 2. The initial tenure of appointment will be for a period of one year, it may be extended subjected to satisfactory performance and requirement of the Institute. 3. The selected candidates shall not have a claim on any regular position and shall not have any of the privileges like housing, medical facilities, and other benefits available to regular employees of the Institute. 4. The decision of the Institute may be final regarding final selection and pay fixation. ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Indian-Institute-of-Technology-Tirupati-IIT-Tirupati-logo.jpg " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Andhra Pradesh ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati Yerpedu – Venkatagiri Road, Yerpedu ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Tirupati ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 517619 "//postalCode } } } } Grounds Man ( 01 Vacancy) – Interview Date – 04 October 2024 (Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh), Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati) recruits Grounds Man post. Candidate with 10th Pass, Experienced can apply. Program Administrator (Any Masters Degree) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati IIT Tirupati Recruitment ForProgram Administrator (Any Masters Degree) (CLOSED) No of IIT Tirupati Recruitment 01 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For IIT Tirupati Recruitment 05/04/2023 IIT Tirupati Address Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, Tirupati , Andhra Pradesh 517619 Qualification Master’s degree in any discipline with from a recognized Institution with minimum 60% marks with a bachelor’s degree in engineering/science.Pay ScaleRs.60,000 to Rs.80,000/-Age Limit 45 years. Desirable Qualifications The candidate must have excellent English language communication skills, both written and verbal, strong organization skills and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. They must also be proficient in Microsoft suite. Foreign Language skills are a plus.Experience Requirements Minimum 03 years of relevant work experience. Experience as a Program Administrator or in a similar role in international higher educational organisation or a similar environment is preferred.Job Responsibilities IIT Tirupati has an ambitious internationalisation strategy and growth plan. The Program Administrator will be responsible for coordinating/administrating activities under three broad verticals. a. International affairs: internationalization activities such as drafting MoUs, coordinating faculty and student exchange (both inbound and outbound), international student admissions, liaising with embassies and universities in different countries, facilitating international events/visits on campus, conducting outreach activities. b. Alumni Engagement: Maintaining alumni database, organizing networking session/reunions, alumni newsletters, social media outreach/LinkedIn profile. c. Development office: Spearheading various developmental and fundraising initiatives from various donors including Alumni/CSR/Friends of IIT for institute development, scholarships, awards, chair professorship etc. Each of these verticals is headed by a faculty advisor, who report to the Dean, and the selected candidate will be reporting to the faculty advisors. As the international and alumni office is currently in a nascent stage, the role will require the person to set-up the office and streamline the activities from the ground up.How toApply For IIT Tirupati vacancy : Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-05/04/2023 Job Type OTHERJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2023/04/05 ", "title":" Program Administrator (Any Masters Degree) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/10/03 10:43:04 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" IIT Tirupati has an ambitious internationalisation strategy and growth plan. The Program Administrator will be responsible for coordinating/administrating activities under three broad verticals. a. International affairs: internationalization activities such as drafting MoUs, coordinating faculty and student exchange (both inbound and outbound), international student admissions, liaising with embassies and universities in different countries, facilitating international events/visits on campus, conducting outreach activities. b. Alumni Engagement: Maintaining alumni database, organizing networking session/reunions, alumni newsletters, social media outreach/LinkedIn profile. c. Development office: Spearheading various developmental and fundraising initiatives from various donors including Alumni/CSR/Friends of IIT for institute development, scholarships, awards, chair professorship etc. Each of these verticals is headed by a faculty advisor, who report to the Dean, and the selected candidate will be reporting to the faculty advisors. As the international and alumni office is currently in a nascent stage, the role will require the person to set-up the office and streamline the activities from the ground up. ","employmentType":" OTHER ", "experienceRequirements":" Minimum 03 years of relevant work experience. Experience as a Program Administrator or in a similar role in international higher educational organisation or a similar environment is preferred. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Staffing ",//industry "qualifications":" The candidate must have excellent English language communication skills, both written and verbal, strong organization skills and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. They must also be proficient in Microsoft suite. Foreign Language skills are a plus. ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Indian-Institute-of-Technology-Tirupati-IIT-Tirupati-logo.jpg " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Andhra Pradesh ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Tirupati ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 517619 "//postalCode } } } } Program Administrator Vacancy – Last Date 05 April 2023 (Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh), Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati) recruits Program Administrator post. Candidate with Any Masters Degree can apply. Registrar (Any Masters Degree)(CLOSED) Recruitment in Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati IIT Tirupati Recruitment ForRegistrar (Any Masters Degree)(CLOSED) No of IIT Tirupati Recruitment 01 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For IIT Tirupati Recruitment 31/01/2023 IIT Tirupati Address Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati Yerpedu – Venkatagiri Road, Yerpedu Post, , Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 517619 Qualification Master’s Degree or equivalent from recognized university in any discipline with at least 55% marks or its equivalent Grade of ‘B’ in the UGC seven-point scale and consistently good academic record.Desirable Qualifications (i) A degree in Law/Management/Engineering from a recognized University/Institute. (ii) Experience in educational administration, financial and personnel management and capacity to lead the administration in a residential institution.Experience Requirements (i) At least 15 year of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP Rs.7000 (6th CPC) and above or with 08 years of service in the AGP of Rs.8000 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration. OR Comparable experience in research establishments and/or other Institutions of higher education. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 08 years regular service as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post in the Grade Pay of Rs.7600 (6th CPC) and above. (ii) Experience in handling computerized administration / financial matters.How toApply For IIT Tirupati vacancy : Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-31/01/2023 General Instructions 1. Candidates must be citizens of India. 2. Candidates should carefully read the requisite minimum essential qualifications, age and eligibility, experience criteria etc. laid down in the advertisement before applying for this post. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the online application form, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. They must ensure that such information is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of Test/Interview any information given by them or any claim made by them in their online applications is found to be false, their candidature will be liable to be rejected. 3. All educational qualifications must be from recognised Board/University/Institute only. 4. The Institute shall have the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed or any other criteria, that may deem fit. 3 | P a g e 5. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for interview. The decision of the Institute in all matter be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection/ Interview. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature. 6. The Institute reserve the right to evolve any screening/ selection process e. g. Screening Test/ Seminar Presentation/ Group Discussion/ Personal Interview etc. 7. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documentssubmitted by a candidate at any time i.e. at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be liable to be terminated immediately. 8. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidate. 9. The Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply. 10. The appointment of the selected candidate is subject to medical fitness as per the Institute norms.Job Type OTHERJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2023/01/31 ", "title":" Registrar (Any Masters Degree)(CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/10/03 10:43:04 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Master’s Degree or equivalent from recognized university in any discipline with at least 55% marks or its equivalent Grade of ‘B’ in the UGC seven-point scale and consistently good academic record. ","employmentType":" OTHER ", "experienceRequirements":" (i) At least 15 year of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP Rs.7000 (6th CPC) and above or with 08 years of service in the AGP of Rs.8000 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration. OR Comparable experience in research establishments and/or other Institutions of higher education. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 08 years regular service as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post in the Grade Pay of Rs.7600 (6th CPC) and above. (ii) Experience in handling computerized administration / financial matters. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Staffing ",//industry "qualifications":" (i) A degree in Law/Management/Engineering from a recognized University/Institute. (ii) Experience in educational administration, financial and personnel management and capacity to lead the administration in a residential institution. ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" 1. Candidates must be citizens of India. 2. Candidates should carefully read the requisite minimum essential qualifications, age and eligibility, experience criteria etc. laid down in the advertisement before applying for this post. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the online application form, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. They must ensure that such information is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of Test/Interview any information given by them or any claim made by them in their online applications is found to be false, their candidature will be liable to be rejected. 3. All educational qualifications must be from recognised Board/University/Institute only. 4. The Institute shall have the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed or any other criteria, that may deem fit. 3 | P a g e 5. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for interview. The decision of the Institute in all matter be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection/ Interview. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature. 6. The Institute reserve the right to evolve any screening/ selection process e. g. Screening Test/ Seminar Presentation/ Group Discussion/ Personal Interview etc. 7. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documentssubmitted by a candidate at any time i.e. at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be liable to be terminated immediately. 8. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidate. 9. The Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply. 10. The appointment of the selected candidate is subject to medical fitness as per the Institute norms. ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " https://www.evidyarthi.in/sarkari-naukri/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-sarkari-naukri-logo.png ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati ", "logo":" https://www.sarkari-naukri.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Indian-Institute-of-Technology-Tirupati-IIT-Tirupati-logo.jpg " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" Andhra Pradesh ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati Yerpedu – Venkatagiri Road, Yerpedu Post, ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Tirupati ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 517619 "//postalCode } } } } Registrar Vacancy – Last Date 31 January 2023 (Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh), Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati) recruits Registrar post. Candidate with Any Masters Degree can apply.About Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati):Tirupati is a major pilgrimage and cultural centre in the Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. It is located at the foothills of the Eastern Ghats at a distance of 150 km from Chennai and 250 km from Bengaluru cities. Tirupati is well connected by air, rail and road.Tirupati is also an excellent educational centre consisting of various existing universities, institutions etc. The Andhra Pradesh Government proposes to make Tirupati a major knowledge hub. Other institutions coming up in the vicinity of the proposed IIT Tirupati campus include IISER Tirupati and IIIT Chittoor.Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati is the first among the 3rd generation IITs, announced in 2014, to have the foundation stone laid in March 2015. This new IIT starts functioning on a temporary campus in Tirupati from the academic year of 2015-16. IIT Tirupati is starting with the full support of it’s mentoring institute, IIT Madras.Contact Us:Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati Tirupati – Renigunta Road, Settipalli Post, Tirupati – 517 506, Chittoor District, A.P.Email: iittirupati@iittp.ac.inPhone No.: 0877 2500 337Website:https://iittp.ac.in/For more Government jobs, Please visit