HPTDC Recruitment For
Asstt. Manager (Food &Beverage) - B.Sc., MBA (CLOSED)
No of HPTDC Recruitment
Date For HPTDC Recruitment
HPTDC Address
H.P. Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. Ritz Annexe, Shimla , Himachal Pradesh 171001
Candidate possessing the qualification of B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration as a regular student from a recognized Institute/University. Or MBA in Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Master of Tourism Administration qualification as a regular student from a recognized Institute/ University. Departmental candidates who are having MBA in Tourism & Hospitality Management/ Master of Tourism Administration qualification from a recognized institute/ university can also apply in relaxation of age of 5 years as compared to direct recruitment candidates.
Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP (On contract basis consolidated salary Rs. 14,100/-)
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Desirous/eligible candidates must submit an application, on prescribed application format, in office of the Managing Director, HPTDC during office hours on or before 18.02.2019upto 5:00 PM alongwith requisite self-attested documents/ certificates Matric onwards in support of their eligibility, any other mode would not be accepted and will be summarily rejected
1. The short listing/selection of applicants shall be made by conducting a Written Test. However, in case number of applicants are more than five time of the vacancies, then a Screening Test shall also be conducted. No TA/DA shall be paid to attend the written or interview proceedings. 2. Date of Written Test will be intimated directly to the candidate/on the website of the HPTDC:www.hptdc.inNo individual correspondence shall be made in any case. 3. Place of work: Anywhere in Himachal and outside the State. 4. Application Fee is Rs. 1000/- for General and Rs.500/- for SC/ST/OBC categories which is payable in the shape of Bank Demand Draft in favour of Managing Director, HPTDC payable at Shimla.The fee shall be refunded only if the recruitment process is cancelled, in no other circumstances the fees will be refunded to the candidates. 5. Posts are likely to increase or decrease. 6. The candidates should be Bonafide Himachali only. 7. Only one Application should be sent in one envelope. 8. The Application form should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwritingwith blue /black ink ball point pen. 9. The candidate must fulfil all the required essential educational and otherqualifications on the last date fixed for the receipt of application form. 10. The candidate shall write his/her name as per the matriculation certificate in therelevant column of the application form. 11. Candidates claiming fee concession should possess a valid certificate of therespective category as on the last date of submission of application & the copy of thecertificate is required at the time of securitizing, failing which the candidature is liableto be cancelled at the securitizing stage. 12. No change of category shall be allowed after last date of receipt of applicationforms i.e. from SC to OBC/ST etc. vice versa. 13. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classesshould be on parental basis. 14. The candidates are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/herclaim. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of scrutiny. 15. The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance. 16. Candidates belonging to OBC category are required to produce OBC certificate,which should not be more than two years old at the time of last date fixed for receipt ofapplications and scrutinized, along with latest affidavit duly attested by the authorityauthorized under the Indian Oath Act stating that his/her status as OBC has notchanged and that they are not excluded from the category of OBC on account of beingcovered under creamy layer. Such certificate should be based on the lineage ofparental family. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time ofscrutiny. 17. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, ageand essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid rejectionat any later stage. 18. Those officials who are already on regular/contract/outsourced/dailywages rolls of HPTDC canalsoapply, however they shall be treated as fresh recruits and pastservice shall not be counted for seniority or protection of pay in theevent of final selection. There services shall be treated as fresh appointee. 19. The candidates must read the instructions carefully. 20. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualification(s) from recognized university etc. as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid rejection at later stage. 21. Incomplete recruitment applications submitted without requisite documents, will be rejected straightway. 22. The candidate should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post on last date, for submission of recruitment applications in the HPTDC. 23. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla
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