Senior Resident Recruitment in Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) CNCI Recruitment ForSenior Resident No of CNCI Recruitment 14 Minimum Salary ₹67,700/- plus applicable allowances (Level 11) Last Date For CNCI Recruitment 07/02/2025 CNCI Address 1st Campus - 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026 Qualification Medical qualification included in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1965Pay ScaleAllowances as per CNCI normsAge Limit 45 years Desirable Qualifications Postgraduate degree in the respective disciplineExperience Requirements Not explicitly mentionedDesired Skills Specialty-based medical skills as per the postEligibility CriteriaRecognized medical qualification included in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1965, and a Postgraduate degree in the respective discipline with MCI registrationJob Responsibilities Responsibilities include performing duties in the respective specialty areas such as Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Hematology, etc.How toApply For CNCI vacancy : Apply online through the provided link before 7th February 2025 General Instructions Candidates must meet eligibility criteria, age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms. Applications may be rejected for incomplete or incorrect information.Job Type temporaryJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2025/02/07 ", "title":" Senior Resident ", "datePosted":" 2025/01/27 11:42:51 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" ₹67,700/- plus applicable allowances (Level 11) ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Responsibilities include performing duties in the respective specialty areas such as Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Hematology, etc. ","employmentType":" temporary ", "experienceRequirements":" Not explicitly mentioned ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" ",//industry "qualifications":" Postgraduate degree in the respective discipline ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" Candidates must meet eligibility criteria, age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms. Applications may be rejected for incomplete or incorrect information. ",//responsibilities "skills":" Specialty-based medical skills as per the post ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" 1st Campus - 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700026 "//postalCode } } } } Junior Resident Recruitment in Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) CNCI Recruitment ForJunior Resident No of CNCI Recruitment 19 Minimum Salary ₹56,100/- plus applicable allowances (Level 10) Last Date For CNCI Recruitment 07/02/2025 CNCI Address 1st Campus - 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026 Qualification Medical qualification included in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1965Pay ScaleAllowances as per CNCI normsAge Limit 37 years Desirable Qualifications Desirable: 1 year of experience in the relevant disciplineExperience Requirements 1 year of experience (desirable)Desired Skills Specialty-based medical skills as per the postEligibility CriteriaRecognized medical qualification included in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1965Job Responsibilities Responsibilities include duties in specialty areas such as Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Hematology, Emergency Medicine, etc.How toApply For CNCI vacancy : Apply online through the provided link before 7th February 2025 General Instructions Candidates must meet eligibility criteria, age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms. Applications may be rejected for incomplete or incorrect information.Job Type temporaryJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2025/02/07 ", "title":" Junior Resident ", "datePosted":" 2025/01/27 11:42:51 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" ₹56,100/- plus applicable allowances (Level 10) ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Responsibilities include duties in specialty areas such as Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Hematology, Emergency Medicine, etc. ","employmentType":" temporary ", "experienceRequirements":" 1 year of experience (desirable) ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" ",//industry "qualifications":" Desirable: 1 year of experience in the relevant discipline ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" Candidates must meet eligibility criteria, age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms. Applications may be rejected for incomplete or incorrect information. ",//responsibilities "skills":" Specialty-based medical skills as per the post ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" 1st Campus - 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700026 "//postalCode } } } } Senior Resident, Junior Resident (Vacancies 33) Last Date – 07 February 2025 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) recruits Senior Resident, Junior Resident posts. Candidates with postgraduate degrees, Experienced can apply. About Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI)-चित्तरंजन नेशनल कैंसर इंस्टिट्यूट:During that time with the help and support of Dr. B.C. Roy an eminet physician and then chief minister of West Bengal, the foundation of the present day Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital(CCH) was laid.The hospital was formally inaugurated by Prof. Madam J.Curie in January 2,1950 and named after Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, as a tribute to and in the acknowledgment of the enormous donation of his land and property for the cause.Initially this was a Cancer treatment centre, which gradually expanded its activities in basic and clinical research with the assistance from goverment funding organzations.Contact Us:37,S.P.Mukherjee Road,Kolkata-700 026, West Bengal, INDIATel :(Off.):2475-9313/2475-8057Email : more Government jobs, Please visit